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Found 906 results for any of the keywords jews of. Time 0.010 seconds.
2. Halachic Historic Articles - Halachic AdventuresA compilation of historic and halachic article about, tradition, mesora and Jewish communities around the world written by Ari Ari.
Petition · Campaign for a law for Israelis Abroad to vote from AbroadDecision Makers: Isaac Herzog +1 The Issue
5. Jewish Communities - Halachic AdventuresAden tombstones inscriptions in hebrew- article Blog Just another WordPress siteis dedicated to providing Jews of every background and level of Jewish education with an opportunity to explore, embrace and experience their heritage through a wide variety of programs, classes and events by enhancing t
What the Anti-Israel Boycotters are Saying When They Think We rBut this means nothing to supporters of BDS, because the movement is entirely based on the manipulation and distortion of the truth. If you engage with BDS supporters and directly challenge them, their response is usuall
Reaction to South Africa s UN Court case against Israel s war in GazaSouth Africa accuses Israel of genocidal acts at UN Court. Palestinian, Hamas, and global reactions vary. Israel dismisses the case. Diverse international opinions and support unfold as the hearing progresses.
The Unbearable Silence about the Jewish Refugees :: Gatestone InstitutThe Palestinian narrative of victimhood, emphasizing the pitiful condition of Palestinian refugees, and portraying them as the world's major refugee problem, has convinced many in the international community to accept th
Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money Information Clearing House.AIPAC s influence is evident in U.S. senators support for Israel. By Bill Astore Courtesy of, I saw a chart on AIPAC contributions to U.S. senators that showed that all 100 senators have taken AIPAC mone
There s No Way to Explain the Degree of Death and Destruction in GazBy Gideon Levy There is no way to explain Israel s conduct in the Gaza Strip. Destruction, killing, starvation and siege in such monstrous dimensions can no longer be explained or justified, even by an effective propag
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